Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Following events in year 2008 is.
1) -NFC- Books of history.
2) -NFC- 1st year anniversery.
3) -NFC- Guessing event.


-NFC- Recrutiment starts now. here !. And for every1 to take part in !.
Winner for holidays recrutiment is.

takecare. GO GO GO NFC

12:01 PM

Hello all . Dun worry . Blog is not dead. Just that NFC Nike com has spoilt. LOL. He suey laaaas. & everyone. Take note. There are new positions available. But must have test.

-NFC- Manager.
-NFC- Vice chairman.
-NFC- Leader of tester.
-NFC- Assistant Blog owner.
-NFC- Competition host. ( Can create competition when u like)
-NFC- Books Of records Owner.
-NFC- Leader For free 8.(need 2)
-NFC- Leader for free 4 (need 2)

All please tag in blog. What u all wanna be. I will choose. =D.
But u all must show ur loyalty to -NFC- . People must stay in -NFC- For at least 10000000000000000 weeks. Takecare all. I will give u all an ans by next weeeeeek .

-NFC- Books of history is for All the records made in -NFC-. & All members please Do not leave -NFC- . We need u all. Thanks. --mrBENDANx3 here.

All Add my new acc. -NFC-BaBy .


( Edited by -NFC-x-NIKE ) . muahaha

11:52 AM

Monday, December 24, 2007

Dear -NFC-

There will be a -NFC- christmas party tmr at free 15 at 8pm. The rm name will be -NFC-<33 and the pass will be NIKEBOSS. Due to a slight problem with my computer,i may not be able to attend the party. Therefore, -NFC-LinN will be in-charge of tmr party. As LinN may also not be able to attend the party tmr due to a slight parental problem,if she does not attend the party,then the party will be cancelled. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Do not be dissapointed that Nike may not be there tmr,please resist ur tears. I will try to come as long as my computer works well tmr. If less than 4 -NFC- members ,the party will be cancelled . For any enquiries, contact -NFC-LinN at poppyspark @ hotmail.com . Please do not cause any trouble for her.

Dance cha cha with Nike ~ 1,2 cha cha cha . 3,4 bo bo cha cha . 5,6 roti prata . 7,8 hari raya . 9,10 halleyluyah.

-NFC-x-NIKE ( guild leader )

7:10 PM

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The 2 winning votes are Heavy Metal with 18 votes and Alvin and the Chipmunks with 19 votes. 1 vote only leh ! The next poll will be held tonight. Please look forward to it.

-NFC-x-NIKE ( guild leader )

12:32 PM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hello -NFC- ! Im here to hao lian my lvl 28 license ! One try only leh ! I so happy. k,hao lian finish liao. BB. LOL

-NFC-x-NIKE ( guild leader )

9:34 PM

Thanks -xified for helping -NFC- make our guild logo.

Credits to :

-NIKExified ( just kidding )

----NIKE ( guild leader )

4:22 PM

Welcom -NFC-ghoSt and -NFC-Sky to -NFC-. -NFC-Sky and -NFC-SkY are couples,sorry no screenshot.

-NFC-Members Results:

40 -NFC- Members
26 haven't change name.

-NFC-x-NIKE ( guild leader )

12:26 PM